Power Measurement appoints new directors

Johan de Klerk and Marietjie Launder were officially appointed as directors in February 2021, but they have been managing the company for the past 5 years. Both are well-equiped with many years experience and are extremely excited about the future of the company and that of their collegues.
Marietjie, the financial director, points out that Power Measurement has managed to grow, even during the past year when businesses struggled to deal with the pandemic, load shedding and the weakening economy. The power of pre-paid is vital for landlords during times like these as tenants have to pay upfront, with no physical meter reading and billing there is no contact and no loss of revenue in unpaid bills.
Johan de Klerk has been with Power Measurement for 16 years and is passionate about the company and the developments in smart and remote metering. He played a big part in the roll-out of the prepaid water and gas meters, and is well-known in the industry for his knowledge and solution-driven care for their customers.
The future for this well-established, stable company looks bright and promising, and - as they love to say “Meter vir Meter, is ons beter!”
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