Energy Saving Tips

With electricity tariffs rising again on 1 July, we have put together a list of top energy saving tips to limit the effect of the increase on your household.
1. Switch off your geyser when it’s not in use or if you are going away for long periods of time
2. Use an insulation blanket to cover your geyser
3. Insulate your home effectively and reduce the need to rely on expensive artificial heating and cooling methods, such as air conditioning systems and electric heaters
4. When using your dishwasher or washing machine, ensure that it is full
5. If your clothes are not particularly dirty, skip the washing machine’s pre-wash cycle. This will use up to 20% less electricity.
6. Install an energy saving shower head, which are designed to use less hot water
7. Replace all of the bulbs in your home with the LED equivalent. LED bulbs use a fraction of the energy of traditional bulbs, offering long-term savings.
8. Switch off any appliances that are not in use at the wall
9. Your fridge temperature should be set between 2 and 5 degrees, and your freezer between -20 and -22 degrees.
10. Use pots and pans with a flat bottom, as these consume up to 50% less energy. Electric stoves consume a lot of electricity, so use the plates and oven as little as possible.
If you sub-let a property, we would also recommend installing one of our prepaid electricity meters. This will help your tenants to manage their own electricity consumption, as they will be responsible for purchasing tokens via our vending platform. To find out more about the prepaid electricity meters we have available, please call 086 107 6937 or email
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